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Mozambikes and Van Oord Provide Bicycles for Enhanced Mobility in Pemba

A large group of orange and blue Mozambikes with white baskets on the front, featuring signs for Cruise World and Experience the Caribbean, are parked in rows on a sandy beach with palm trees in the background and a few people standing around.
Published:  July 27, 2023

Mozambikes is thrilled to announce our recent bicycle distribution in Pemba, made possible by the generous contribution from Van Oord, an esteemed international contractor specializing in dredging, marine engineering, and offshore projects. This initiative aimed to support students, small entrepreneurs, and families residing in the Quirimbas Archipelago, an enchanting group of 32 islands in the Indian Ocean off the northern coast of Mozambique.

Despite the natural and cultural riches of the archipelago, its inhabitants face significant challenges, including poverty, isolation, and inadequate infrastructure. Limited access to education, healthcare, and business opportunities remains a prevalent concern due to long distances and complicated transportation options.

Through the provision of bicycles, we aim to empower the beneficiaries to improve their overall mobility, productivity, and quality of life. Students will experience enhanced school commutes, arriving faster, safer, and efficiently, ultimately boosting attendance, academic achievements, and future prospects. Small entrepreneurs will enjoy more efficient transportation of goods and services, fostering increased income and broader market access. Families will gain access to vital services, such as healthcare, water, and electricity, significantly improving their well-being.

We take great pride in sharing heartfelt images showcasing recipients receiving and utilizing their bicycles. Their expressions of joy and gratitude perfectly capture the positive impact these bicycles will have on their lives. We sincerely thank Van Oord for their generous contribution and unwavering trust in our mission. By providing bicycles to those in need, we can make a lasting difference, improving mobility, productivity, and the overall quality of life.

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