Padre Atanásio Mwitu- Miéze Secondary School is located in Metuge District, 25 km from the capital of Cabo Delgado Province, Pemba.
The school currently has 1597 students, of which 839 boys and 758 girls. This school is a community school, with management by the Diocese of Pemba and since 2021 has the 2nd cycle of Secondary Education, which means that it contemplates education from Grade 7 to Grade 12.
Helpo has been present in this school since 2015, and over these eight years the greatest support has been at the level of secondary school scholarships, which allows needy students to continue their studies.
Due to the fact that there are few schools in the District, many students have to make very long journeys to get to school, especially students from Muepane which is 8 km from Miéze, Nacopo 9km, and Niuje 7km.
In order to motivate and encourage students in Miezé not to give up their studies, a bicycle support project was created. The project aims to benefit the 60 students of this school by providing them with bicycles to shorten the long distance they have to travel daily between their homes and school.
The project seeks to make the students' daily commute to school less tiring and easier, allowing them to get to school faster and with less effort. In addition, the bicycles will also serve as a help for their family members, assisting them in other daily tasks.
The campaign will provide:
- 60 Bicycles
- Transport
- Spare parts and accessories
- Basic training on bicycle maintenance and road safety