



This photo shows an aerial view of a school in a rural village in Africa. The school is made up of small houses with tin roofs and a few larger buildings with blue roofs. The village is surrounded by dry shrubland and rocky hills, with a few trees scattered throughout. The sky is cloudy, giving the image a desolate mood. Despite the challenging environment, the school stands as a beacon of hope and education for the local community
About this project

Impire Primary School is situated in Metuge District, 50 km from the capital of Cabo Delgado Province, Pemba.

The school currently has 2811 pupils, of which 1579 boys and 1232 girls.

The village of Empire is located 30 km from the nearest school, which means that the school from Grade 7 onwards benefits many pupils from other villages, namely Nanlia, located about 6 km away and Nancaramo, located about 9 km away, forcing pupils to make long daily journeys to continue their studies.

Most of the students' parents live on subsistence farming that allows them to survive, and a small part that they manage to market, helps them to finance their children's studies.

Despite the adversities that these students face, school is the reason for joy for many of them, who nurture the desire to study and build a more promising future.

As the path to get to Impire Primary School is long and arduous, the project aims to benefit with the support of bicycles, the students from grade 7 to 11 in order to make the daily journey to school more accessible and less tiring. And in addition to facilitating the locomotion of the students, they will also be able to benefit their families in carrying out other daily tasks.

The campaign will provide:

  • 60 bicycles
  • Transportation
  • Spare parts and accessories
  • Basic training on bicycle maintenance and road safety


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