Meet Beatriz and Antonio, two ambitious siblings who live in Namaita, a village in rural Mozambique. Despite the challenges they face on their long and treacherous journey to school, their determination to learn and become doctors never wavers. However, their lives took a remarkable turn when Mozambikes provided them with bicycles. Now, they can navigate the rugged terrain quickly, safely, and effortlessly, unlocking better access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.
This inspiring story of Beatriz and Antonio highlights bicycles' profound impact on individuals and communities in rural Mozambique. Join Mozambikes in our mission to improve mobility, productivity, and quality of life by supporting our cause. Together, let's transform lives—one bicycle at a time.
Rua Damião de Góis, n˚438, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique
Contacte us+258 82 821 7825
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