
Category: Uncategorized

Revolutionizing Rural Life: How Bicycles Are Transforming Mozambique's Communities
In the rural landscapes of Mozambique, where vast distances and limited infrastructure often hinder daily life, a simple yet powerful tool is making a profound difference: the bicycle. This initiative is significantly improving mobility, access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, d...
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Exciting News! The CORES Project Drives Positive Change in Mozambique's Rural Communities
In the heart of Mozambique's Nampula Province, the districts of Eráti and Memba are witnessing a transformative wave of change, thanks to the CORES Project, proudly supported by the Croix-Rouge de Belgique (Belgium Red Cross). This initiative is making remarkable strides in improving the lives of r...
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Bringing Hope on Two Wheels: Mozambikes and the International Organization for Migration in Cabo Delgado
Cabo Delgado, located in the northern region of Mozambique, has been facing immense challenges over the past few years. The area has been plagued by conflict and violence perpetrated by insurgent groups, leading to widespread displacement and suffering among the local population. Thousands of famili...
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Boosting Employment Opportunities for Youth in Mozambique
On Friday, February 23rd, an inspiring scene of celebration and recognition unfolded in Quelimane, Mozambique. It was the moment of awarding the prize to Gissel José Lengo, an exemplary student and winner of the national competition "If You Were President, What Would You Do to Create More Jobs for ...
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14 Years Changing Lives through Bicycles in Rural Communities in Mozambique
In the heart of Mozambique, where rugged terrain and vast distances often hinder progress, there exists a beacon of hope – Mozambikes. For the past 14 years, this social organization has been harnessing the transformative power of bicycles to catalyze positive change in rural communities across th...
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Enhancing Mobility and Loyalty: Mozambikes' Collaboration with Higest
Today signifies a remarkable achievement for Mozambikes as we proudly delivered 20 bicycles to the esteemed Higest company. This delivery represents more than a mere transaction; it symbolizes a commitment to fostering sustainability and nurturing customer loyalty, especially in areas where access t...
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Mozambikes welcomes ESCIDE-UEM delegation
We are delighted to share with you some exciting news from our headquarters in Maputo. Last week, we had the honor of hosting a group of students and professors from the School of Sports Sciences and Physical Education of Eduardo Mondlane University (ESCIDE-UEM), one of the most prestigious institut...
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Mozambikes Takes on the Challenge at the National CrossFit Championships
Mozambikes recently stepped out of their comfort zone and into the world of CrossFit, joining Mozambique's toughest men and women in an exhilarating competition. The National CrossFit Championships proved to be a grueling test of strength, endurance, and determination, pushing both athletes and Moza...
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Empowering Communities: A Visit to Mozambikes' Factory with #EUTMMOZ Team
Mozambikes recently had the honor of hosting esteemed guests at their factory, a visit that proved to be a unique and eye-opening experience for all involved. The #EUTMMOZ team, led by Mission Commander Brigadier General João Gonçalves, generously devoted their time to assist in assembling bicycle...
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