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Transforming Mobility: Mozambikes and Transportes Lalgy's Collaborative Journey for Community Upliftment!

Published:  February 2, 2024

At Mozambikes, we’re excited to share our recent progress in making a difference for rural communities. Today, we handed over 10 customized bicycles to Transportes Lalgy. These bicycles are headed for Tete along Lalgy’s daily Chirodzi route, reflecting our joint commitment to improving lives.

From Taxi Bicycles to Agricultural Allies!

Our journey began with taxi bicycles, offering convenient transportation solutions. We then extended our reach to recyclable waste transportation, aligning with our vision of eco-friendly practices. Today, we are excited to announce our collaboration with Transportes Lalgy, where our customized bicycles will provide efficient, safe, and eco-friendly transport for underserved communities. These 10 bicycles come with specially adapted cargo spaces, designed to allow beneficiaries, particularly farmers, to transport their agricultural inputs with ease.

A Heartfelt Thank You to Transportes Lalgy!

We extend a huge note of appreciation to Transportes Lalgy for their invaluable partnership and compassionate support. Their dedication to providing efficient, safe, and eco-friendly transportation to communities in need aligns seamlessly with our mission.


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